Monday, June 4, 2007

His faith always mentioned?

At I found typing in Mitt Romney pulled up some interesting results. There were 32472 results, and within the first dozen hits, the key topic for each search was regarding his faith and the fact that he is Mormon. There were sites that discussed it in a positive way and ones that completely trashed his religion. Some other topics were mentioned, but the primary subject highlighted in these stories were regarding his religion. At there was not quite as strong a presence of initial stories that mentioned his faith and the fact that Romney is a Mormon. Out the roughly 1500 results that came up, none of the initial dozen hits had stories that highlighted, although they may have mentioned it late in the actual stories, the fact that Romney is Mormon. I think it’s a good thing that different websites concentrate on different aspects of a candidate. While his religion is important, I don’t think it’s right for it to always be mentioned as a front runner in stories, and as one can see from searching various sites, Romney actually has been given a chance with receiving diversified coverage.

Romney's results on Google.

When I typed in Mitt Romney into the search engine Google, I got 1.8 million hits the first time and then 2.16 million hits the second time. I’m not sure why there were additional hits in a search five minutes later, but it does show that Mitt Romney has a strong presence on the internet and this seems like it will make a difference in helping him reach potential voters. Of course, no person will go through every single hit they receive, instead people will go through the first few sites that pop up, and most likely will look at the “sponsored links” first because they are on the top right always. These top websites ranged from ones that had good, concrete info like his official website and ones like, to sites that were more for entertainment like and where you can buy t-shirts and stuff to show your support. There were even sites against Romney that came up like, which even though this was negative it still showed he has a strong internet presence. What I found though, was that each time I typed in Mitt Romney, I got different results for the websites that popped up. Most interestingly I found that instead of just getting Mitt Romney websites, there were also other Republican candidates that came up. In particular, and I don’t know how this happened, but every time I typed in Mitt Romney to google’s search engine, a top website was always one for John McCain and how you could get info on him and donate money. I guess this was smart on McCain’s part and unfortunate for Romney.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Racist Romney?

Mitt Romney The MittCast - Mitt Romney for President - The MittCast - 05.11.07 - Al Sharpton Apologizes

Mormons did not allow black priests before 1978 and Romeny was a Mormon before then. Does this mean that Romney is racist? Al Sharpton went on to say that Romney did not even believe in God. He took this back later the next day and said that he actually saw Mormons as Christians and was referring more to Athiests. WOW!

Romney Can't Imagine Anything Worse Than Polygamy

Click Here to Read the Article

In the interview Mitt admits to his ancestor's involvement in the polygamy that the early Mormon Church encouraged. I'd say that he distanced himself from the practice well enough, although I hope he didn't offend his Mormon following, who are going to be his main grassroots army. It's going to be interesting to hear how Mitt's Mormonism affects his candidacy.

Mormons for MITT?

So what does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have to say about Mitt? Apparently not to much. After researching on their website there were only 7 articles related to their Mormon candidate. They do believe that the public view of the church will be questioned if Romney wins. The Mormon faith is currently the fourth largest in the world with 5.6 million believers. At the rate of Mitt's internet campaign, I'm not sure that the public view of church will have any need to be questioned.

"You know, I believe in my faith and I'm proud of my faith, but I'm not running as a Mormon, I'm running as a former governor, a business leader, a person who has a vision for the country to make us strong." -- Mitt Romney.

Romney Estimates Wealth in Millions

Read the Article Here

$190-$250 Million: Holy hell that's a lot of money. While a bank account like that might scream hypocrisy to the Democratic constituency, right-wing Republican voters have, historically, been able to look past economic differences with their candidate of choice and identify with his platform of values, morals, and other emotion-based issues. In other words, as long as Mitt is keeping gay people from being married and doing his part to overturn Roe v. Wade, middle and lower class Republican voters won't care that they will never be able to identify with the socio-economic status of their president of choice.

Mitt Knows Internet Makes a Difference

Romney has acknowledged that the internet is going to play an extremely important role in the upcoming primaries. The press has jumped on this and reported about the effort by Romney to reach the masses through the online world.

Capitol Hill Blue recently featured an article about Romney and his presence on The Romney team says that connecting the younger community with candidates and issues is vital in getting out the message and encouraging the younger generation to vote. When asked about the internet's impact, Romney's communications director said, "There's your literally door-to-door community outreach."

The Boston Globe also wrote an article about Romney's effort to connect with conservative bloggers. Romney weighed in on establishing a good internet base, "you want to be very closely conncected to the online world, to the blog world, and make sure your perspectives are being understood, and that the misperceptions, which inevitably creep up, are being nipped in the bud." Romney also said that he gets most of his news today online and said that this media is "a great force for the democratization of information."

Saturday, June 2, 2007

What does HARVARD have to say?

Mitt received a MBA and a law degree from Harvard , so I decided to see what their website had to say about their graduate. Harvard's website had hundreds of stories regarding their academic scholar. Most of which show that Mitt values principles over politics. Harvard did not seem to "endorse" the candidate like BYU did. This is probably because many candidates have called Harvard their alma mater unlike BYU.

What Do You Believe Is America's Single Greatest Challenge?

Mitt Romney has an open forum on YouTube.
Currently there has been a great response. The video has been viewed 442,413 times and it has had 1,657 comments have been made in response. 71 videos have also been posted.

Guess who Ben Affleck's pick for the Republican Nominee is?

Affleck: Clean-cut Romney GOP pick in ‘08

Since we know that Affleck put all his resources in 2004 into getting John Kerry elected, we can assume that he's not switching parties. He just made the comments while appearing on Bill Maher's show about who he thought would take the Republican nomination. Reasons for the choice include "he doesn't like abortion and he's all clean cut and he looks like a Ken doll."

Romney's rep was quoted as saying "
We don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what Hollywood actors are saying about the presidential campaign." That may be true for pundits and the political elite, but is it the same for the average uniformed citizen? I would contend that a Hollywood celebrity's endorsement is just as important as a political expert in Washington DC.

BYU and their support for Mitt.

BYU, Brigham Young University , Mitt's alma mater for his undergrad is endorsing him for the Republican canidate. After searching the BYU website I quickly found 222 articles all about Mitt. The Mormons seem to be crazy about Mitt and believe that he could do great things in the White House.

Can Mitt carry a TUNE?

iTunes is becoming on of the most usesd programs for Americans today. I decided to see if Mitt was able to keep up on this area of the internet. The results actually surprised me. After searching Mitt actually came up with some results. You can download and for free listen to MittCast. MittCast supports Mitt as the Republican nominee. iTunes returned downloadable books such as A Mormon in the White House? I expected to find "make fun of Mitt" songs or articles. Mitt seems to be carrying the tune (iTune that is) very well.

How funny is Mitt?

Alright, since over 20% of Americans who watch the news say that they get it from Comedy Central (which is extremely sad) I decided to see how Mitt was doing on their webpage. After searching for Mitt I found the link to three videos and and three pictures. They refer to Mitt as "Tight Mitt" . They smash his speech from the Republican debate. Stephen Colbert wants to know when Mitt decided to get soft on terrorists. So to answer the question about how funny is Mitt, aparentely he is not getting laughed with, but laughed at. Mitt's interent campaign seems to slowly be dwindling away day after day. Will he be able to change this before the Republican nomination is made?